​CHS Project Graduation

 is a tradition

There has not been a single car fatality on graduation night since its implementation 26 years ago. Project Graduation is an all night alcohol and drug free celebration for the graduates coordinated by the Harbor-Heights Peace River Rotary Club and parent volunteers.
Our mission is to keep our Charlotte High graduates safe and off of the roads by providing
​a FREE, all night party for them! The event features a variety of activities, entertainment, prizes, a money booth, food and drinks, and raffles. We wrap up the night with a hilarious hypnotist show!

​Seniors don’t want to miss this last celebration with their friends!


​Parental involvement is key to making this a memorable event. Anyone may  attend our monthly planning meetings!  Parents of all grade levels are encouraged and welcome to attend.

Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month* and begin at 6:00 pm  in the CHS Media Center. Enter thru the G building doors and walk straight to the end of the hallway.

*please see schedule

Graduating Seniors

2​025 CHS Project Graduation will be held in the CHS gymnasium immediately following graduation on May 15th.

The fun begins at approximately 9:30 pm and lasts until 5:00 am

Students are not required to stay for the whole event, but they must be present to win the raffle prizes.
​​Funding for Project Graduation is provided by the generosity of local businesses and individuals. We accept monetary donations, & prizes and we always need volunteers to help with the event. 

Charlotte High School Project Graduation is a federally recognized 501(c)(3).  EIN 22-3942669
Charlotte High School Project Graduation is a registered Florida Not For Profit Corporation.  EIN 22-3942669
 Please consider donating to
​CHS Project Graduation.